Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

PDF kostenlos Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

PDF kostenlos Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

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Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

PDF kostenlos Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

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Als einer der Hauptfenster die neue Welt, diese zu öffnen Zen: Die Unlehrbare Lehre, By Stephan Schuhmacher bietet seine bemerkenswerten Schreiben vom Schriftsteller. Veröffentlicht in unter den bevorzugten Autoren dieser Publikation Zen: Die Unlehrbare Lehre, By Stephan Schuhmacher wird zu einem der einer der meistgesuchten Publikationen vor kurzem nur. Wirklich, wird das Buch sicherlich keine Rolle , ob das Zen: Die Unlehrbare Lehre, By Stephan Schuhmacher ein Bestseller oder anders ist. Jedes Buch wird immer am besten Quellen bieten dem Leser alle feinsten zu erhalten.

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Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Stephan Schuhmacher studierte Soziologie, Psychologie, Japanologie und Sinologie. Er wurde 20 Jahre im Zen geschult, darunter fünf Jahre in Kamakura, Japan. Nach seiner Arbeit als Lektor und Programmleiter zog er nach Südwestfrankreich und gründete das Redaktionsbüro und internationale Netzwerk ENSO Publishing. Er ist als Verlagsberater, Herausgeber sowie Übersetzer und Autor tätig.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 208 Seiten

Verlag: Kösel-Verlag (27. Juli 2015)

Sprache: Deutsch

ISBN-10: 3466346169

ISBN-13: 978-3466346165

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13,1 x 2,5 x 20,5 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.0 von 5 Sternen

14 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 447.601 in Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Bücher)

der Rezensent mit dem Zen Marathon hat mich verleitet. Nur ärgerlich, dieses Buch! Vor allem fehlt ein Personenregister. Die Namen der Chan Meister weichen im Chinesischen und Japanischen voneinander ab. Huineng ist Eno. Die europäischen und amerikanischen Namen weichen von ihren japanischen Namen, den sie als Meister erworben haben, ab. Koun-an Chiko ist Brigitte D’Ortschy.Hätte ich nur die Rezension gelesen, die erwähnte, dass es sich hier um eine gekürzte Neuauflage des Textes im Diederichs Verlag handelt! Das erklärt auch meinen Eindruck, dass es zwar detailreiche Listen von Meistern ganz früher Epochen gibt, aber dass die im Text zu kurz kommen und die Meister späterer Jahrhunderte und des 20. Jahrhunderts fehlen.Besonders gestört hat mich das Ende des Textes. Da erfolgt ein großer Rundumschlag und ein großes Jammern über die Verkommenheit mancher Entwicklungen des Zen. Mit dem Hinweis darauf, dass westlichen Meistern der Titel aus rassistischen Gründen geschenkt wurde. Oder manchen begabten Schülern eben vorenthalten. Das liest sich wie eine Klage aus ganz persönlichen Gründen.Sieht man sich die Publikationsliste des Autors an, so wundert man sich umso mehr. Da gibt es sehr vieles, das den eigenen selbst formulierten Ansprüchen nun gar nicht genügen kann.Keine Ahnung, was ich mit diesem Buch mache. Wahrscheinlich in die Tonne.Ich halte mich bei meinem persönlichen Zen Marathon weiter an die Worte aktiv praktizierender Lehrer in der Linie authentischer Meister. Yamada, Koun, Das Tor des Zen: Grundlagen und Praxis Linji, Das Denken ist ein wilder Affe: Die Lehren des großen Zen-Meisters Hui Jing, Die Tore des Chan-BuddhismusKodo Sawaki, Zen ist die grösste Lüge aller Zeiten ...

Auf meinem kleinen Zen-Lese-Marathon bin ich nun endlich auf ein prächtiges Buch gestoßen. Der Author hat umfangreiche Kenntnisse der Zen-Literatur und Geschichte des Zen. Er kennt die Problem eines Wegsuchenden in der Moderne, schreibt spannend und mit Witz. Das beste von 10 Büchern, die ich bis jetzt gelesen habe. Ich empfehle trotzdem jedem ernsthaft Interessierten weiter zu lesen (einfach den Amazon-Vorschlägen folgen und auch Rezensionen lesen). Dann wird umso deutlicher, dass dieses Buch wie eine Perle heraus sticht.Mein Marathon ist hier aber nicht beendet und nicht aufs Lesen beschränkt.

Einen Autor zu ZEN, der so viel Erfahrung praktisch wie wissenschaftlich über 40 Jahre hat, findet man wohl kaum ein zweites Mal. Stephan Schuhmacher vermittelt - soweit das überhaupt möglich ist - mit Hilfe der alten Quellen und seinen eigenen Erfahrungen mit der Zenschulung dem Leser was Zen ist. Er hält dem Betrachter ein Vergrößerungsglas auf die Punkte, die aus den unendlichen Quellen ausgesucht etwas Entscheidendes sichtbar machen. Der Gesamttext ist spannend zu lesen und verliert nicht an Fahrt. Wie mit einem Reispapier hervorgehoben gibt es Ruhepunkte mal mit Erklärungen für den Einsteiger, mal ein Zenzitat oder ein kommentiertes Bild. Das Wichtigste an diesen Buch aber ist der Warnruf vor dem, was heute als "Zen" die Vorstellungen der Köpfe füllt, das für die wirklich Suchenden den WEG möglicherweise verstellt. Schon deswegen sollte dieses Buch überall zu finden sein!

mir kam nur so Vieles irgendwie bekannt vor - bis mir die Eintragung unter den bibliographischen Angaben ins Auge fiel:Das Buch ist eine bearbeitete, erweiterte und bibliophil gestaltete Neuauflage des 2001 bei Diederichs erschienenen Buchs 'Zen',das ich vor Jahren schon mal rezensiert hatte. Der Kauf tut mir nicht leid, aber vielleicht sollte man's beim Angebot erwähnen...

Stephan Schuhmacher gelingt, was in einem Buch eigentlich nicht geht: das Geheimnisvolle, Unaussprechliche des Zen zu vermitteln. In durchscheinender Bildhaftigkeit entsteht beim Leser eine Ahnung von etwas Wahrem, dem Geschmack der "Unlehrbaren Lehre". Der jedem Menschen innewohnende Herz-Geist ist die Essenz des Zen, und so bleibt auch nicht verborgen, dass Stephan Schuhmacher nicht nur über etwas schreibt, sondern aus Erfahrung einer langjährigen Praxis. Ich wünsche dem kleinen, feinen Schatz in Buchform die Verbreitung, die es verdient.

*Gähn* Zuerst steht im Eingangstext, der Autor wolle keine Geschichte des Zen erzählen, weil dies keinen interessiert und am Thema vorbei geht. Zur Illustration erzählt er eine überaus weise Geschichte von einem angeschossenen Krieger, der lieber Name/Ehestand/Herkunft des feindlichen Bogenschützen wissen will, als dass er sich den Pfeil rausnehmen lässt.Fein, denkt der Leser. Mich interessieren eh keine asiatischen Erlösertypen, ich will bloß wissen, worum es beim Zen eigentlich geht.Was dann folgt, ist ein qualvoll langatmiger Exkurs in die Geschichte des Buddhismus. Auch eine Liste irgendwelcher indischer Patriarchen bleibt uns nicht erspart. Wie konnte ich bloß mein bisheriges Leben verbringen, ohne die Namen Upagupta oder Rahulabhadra zu kennen....Ich bin ein bisserl enttäuscht, denn die Herkunft jener "Bogenschützen" musste ich selbst googeln und zum Thema "Pfeil" ist dieses Werk bis Seite 100 noch nicht gekommen.Nun ja, der Titel hat sich zumindest bestätigt.Die überschwänglichen Rezensionen sind mir völlig unbegreiflich.

... so wie man es von einem Buch über Zen erwarten kann und darf. Herzlichen Dank für diuese herrliche Zusammenstellung

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Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher PDF

Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher PDF

Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher PDF
Zen: Die unlehrbare Lehre, by Stephan Schuhmacher PDF

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

Gratis Bücher Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Gratis Bücher Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Fühlen Sie sich viel besser, nachdem ein Buch Abschluss zu überprüfen? Genau das, was ist Ihr Gefühl, wenn wieder eine brandneue Veröffentlichung zu erhalten? Sind Sie zu lesen und vollständig t in Frage gestellt? Gute Besucher! Dies ist die Zeit, um Ihre Goo Routine des Lesens zu erobern. Wir zeigen ein besseres Buch noch einmal zu schätzen. diese Seite sehend wird auch mit Bestimmung zu prüfen, gefüllt werden? Es wird nicht machen Sie langweilen, weil wir zahlreiche Arten und Art der Bücher haben.

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Gratis Bücher Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen

Überprüfen Sie eine Publikation Ihrem Leben zu verdienen gut läuft, ein Buch lesen Ihre Erfahrungen Boosts zu verdienen, ohne irgendwo zu gehen, sowie Besuche eine Publikation für Ihre Freizeit erfüllen! Diese Sätze sind so vertraut für uns. Für Personen, die nicht wie Lesen tun, werden diese Sätze Art von extrem langweilig Worte auszusprechen. Doch für die Besucher, werden sie größer Geist haben, wenn jemand sich mit den Sätzen aufrechterhält.

Das Vorhandensein dieses neuen Buches für Sie eine brandneue Quelle sein. Diese Veröffentlichung ist wirklich geeignet für Ihre einsame Zeit in der Freizeit zu begleiten. Es wird sicherlich nicht so befriedigend sein, wenn keine Aufgaben in Ihrer Freizeit hat. Genießen TELEVISION kann zu bringen. Also auf diese Weise, das Lesen Jungle Of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey Of John L. Stephens And Frederick Catherwood, And The Discovery Of The Lost Civilization Of The Maya, By William Carlsen können Sie brandneue Aufgabe geben sowie bringen Sie brandneue Lektion. Wenn Sie das Gefühl so angemessen mit dieser Publikation wirklich, warum Sie es nicht zur Zeit nehmen?

Da das andere Buch bietet neben der neuen Lehre wird es sicherlich steigert ebenfalls die Auswirkungen und Ideen zu diesem Thema verbunden ist. Wir sind wirklich sicher, dass Ihre Wahl zu wählen als Buch zu lesen, schon gar nicht falsch sein. Er geht davon aus, dass die Existenz des Buches wird sicherlich dieser literarischen Sammlungen weltweit verbessern. Wenn viele Menschen für dieses Thema für Führungs Lesen suchen, wird es sicherlich kommen, um die eine, die Sie beeinflussen, um neue Motivation zu machen.

lesen. Warum? Noch einmal, dies ist so angemessen mit dem Thema, das Sie wirklich noch brauchen. Es wird auch Ihre Auswahl des Tages die Zeit zu füllen, indem Sie dieses Buch zu lesen. Auch ist es eine Art von Soft-Datenart, Jungle Of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey Of John L. Stephens And Frederick Catherwood, And The Discovery Of The Lost Civilization Of The Maya, By William Carlsen Web-Content wird sicherlich nicht mit dem Druck von Führungs verschieden sein.

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen


“The book succeeds in all ways. … A highly readable, fascinating historical narrative.” (Providence Journal)“Carlsen’s cogent and well-written dual biography successfully illuminates the fascinating tale of these intrepid pioneers of a lost civilization. ... [An] adventure tale that make[s] Indiana Jones seem tame.” (Library Journal)“[A] gripping, informative history.” (San Jose Mercury News)“Thrilling. ... A captivating history of two men who dramatically changed their contemporaries’ view of the past.” (Kirkus Reviews (starred review))“Lively. ... Ably researching [Stephens and Catherwood] and affectingly describing their friendship, Carlsen makes an exemplary contribution to the lost-cities genre.” (Booklist (starred review))“Jungle of Stone is a tale of two men that makes Indiana Jones look like a stay-at-home slacker. … Full of astonishing adventures and breathtaking discoveries. … [Carlsen] brings both research skills and a gift for narrative to this book. … Thrilling.” (Tampa Bay Times)“Carlsen is an engaging guide, at home in the jungle. ... There’s plenty to like in [his] account.” (Wall Street Journal)“Carlson’s book brings these important explorers back to the limelight they so richly deserve.” (The Explorers Journal: The Official Quarterly of The Explorers Club)“Carlsen’s masterful chronicle of [Stephens and Catherwood’s] explorations is a welcome excursion to a fascinating story set in the golden age of exploration.” (The Missourian)“With verve and vigor... Carlsen finely explicates the challenges of the Catherwood-Stephens expedition and the wonders they found.” (Publishers Weekly)


In 1839, rumors of extraordinary yet baffling stone ruins buried within the unmapped jungles of Central America reached two of the world’s most intrepid travelers. Seized by the reports, American diplomat John Lloyd Stephens and British artist Frederick Catherwood—both already celebrated for their adventures in Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece, and Rome—sailed out of New York Harbor on an expedition into the forbidding rainforests of present-day Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. What they found would rewrite the West’s understanding of human history.In the tradition of Lost City of Z and In the Kingdom of Ice, former San Francisco Chronicle journalist and Pulitzer Prize finalist William Carlsen reveals the extraordinary story of the discovery of the ancient Maya. Enduring disease, war, and the torments of nature and terrain, Stephens and Catherwood meticulously uncovered and documented the remains of an astonishing civilization that had flourished in the Americas at the same time as classic Greece and Rome—and had been its rival in art, architecture, and power. Most important, the team was the first to grasp the significance of the Mayan remains, understanding that their antiquity and sophistication overturned the West’s assumptions about the development of civilization.Based on Carlsen’s rigorous research and his own 1,500-mile journey throughout the Yucatan and Central America, Jungle of Stone is equally a thrilling adventure narrative and a revelatory work of history that corrects our understanding of the Maya themselves and “brings these important explorers [Stephens and Catherwood] back to the limelight they so richly deserve” (Explorer’s Journal).

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Taschenbuch: 544 Seiten

Verlag: William Morrow Paperbacks; Auflage: Reprint (11. April 2017)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 0062407406

ISBN-13: 978-0062407405

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

3,8 x 19,8 x 12,4 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

Schreiben Sie die erste Bewertung

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 204.108 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

A brilliantly written page turner about the discovery of the major Mayan ruins in the first half of the nineteenth century. Mr.Carlsen's writing gives the reader a real sense of the challenges faced by these adventurers, one of whom, John Stephens was a great travel writer and the other, Frederick Catherwood, was a brilliant artist. Mr. Carlsen includes many of Catherwood's drawings and offsets some of them with current photographs of the same sites so the reader gets a real sense of the detail that went into these drawings. Anyone with any interest in the history of early civilizations, particularly in the Western Hemisphere should read this book.

This is a wonderful book, one that brings to life the tremendous efforts of two exceptional explorers/adventurers in the early 1800s. These men collaborated to find and document many of the major ruins left by the indigenous natives of southern Mexico and Central America.Says author William Carlsen: “Today the ancient Maya are recognized for having achieved one of the most sophisticated early civilizations on earth. Tourists by the millions, from every part of the globe, annually descend on Maya ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize.”But it was not always this way, and that is what this book is about: The story of the earliest explorations into the jungles of Mexico and Central America and the words and thoughts produced by these two explorers about what they found and what they surmised.In the Acknowledgements section of the book, Carlsen states his passion for his work: “I will hold in my heart always the extraordinary Maya people….May you forever keep your rich culture alive for the benefit of us all.”I’ve personally had the pleasure of traveling in Mexico and Central America. I’ve been to many of the places talked about in the book. But I really treasure the way “Jungle of Stone” puts the pieces together, capturing the historic details and bringing the people involved in the early explorations to life.The story starts in the early 1800s, in the Age of Discovery. This was a period when Europeans and Americans knew little about the Latin American before Columbus. The Spanish conquistadores were all about enriching themselves. They were not in the New World to learn about and/or preserve indigenous native culture. In fact, the Spanish shut off the New World south of the emerging United States for centuries.But there were rumors of ruins of ancient civilizations found by the Spanish. Popular culture speculated that the works had to be by Egyptians, the Lost Tribes of Israel or others. The general thinking was that no indigenous people in the Americas would be capable of creating sophisticated works of art.The book is all about the adventures of John Lloyd Stephens and his colleague Frederick Catherwood. Each had extensive travel experience, including in the Middle East, decades before Mark Twain would publish his book, “Innocents Abroad.” Catherwood was a professional architect by trade. Stephens was a lawyer who had made good money writing a book about his travels in Egypt, the Holy Land and Petra.They began their great adventures in Latin America in 1839. They teamed up for 13 years to explore Mayan ruins in Latin America, their first conquest being Copan in Honduras. They were stunned by what they found.They went were few white men had been before. They followed some of the same paths used earlier by Hernan Cortez. They continually faced dangers from bandits or hostile Indians. They traveled through areas of active wars. Mosquitoes, ticks, snakes, scorpions, rain, heat, mud and all kinds of other nuances and obstacles were encounter along the way. This was not an adventure for sissies.Britain was the great world power at the time. The U.S. was not yet a major world power. Stephens, as an American, dreamed of bringing Mayan treasures back to New York as the foundation of new prestigious museums that would put the U.S. on the world map. At the time, few in the world knew anything about the existence of the art and architecture of the Mayans.Cameras did not exist, so it was the detailed drawings by Catherwood that would be an essential element in a future publication of a book by Stephens. The book, Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, published in 1841, was met with great success, eventually going through 12 printings and sold all over the world. Stephens’ important conclusion was that the Mayan work was original and without influence of “models or masters.”The two were off on the trail once again in 1841, this time to focus on the Yucatan Peninsula. Catherwood would be meticulous in the detail of his drawings. Bouts of malaria slowed them down, but they were prodigious in their work, the result of which was the 1843 work entitled, Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Like Stephens earlier works, it was a great financial success.Stephens and Catherwood talked about exploring further south, where Machu Picchu would not be discovered by the West for another 67 years. But the steam engine and the railroad was all the rage at this time. Catherwood took a job working on a line in British Guyana. Stephens would work on the railroad across Panama, essentially until he worked himself to death in 1852.Further exploration of the Mayan ruins would wain, or the most part, until the early 1900s. But the foundational information documented by Stephens and Catherwood laid a foundation for all that was to come. And what a story it is, as beautifully written by Mr. Carlson in this very fine book, which I highly recommend.

Jungle of Stone is both enthralling and enlightening. I was captivated from beginning to end by Carlsen’s masterful storytelling, which whisked me away on a breathtaking adventure while filling my mind with fascinating facts. Fans of the Peabody and Emerson Egyptology mysteries by Elizabeth Peters may find themselves as captivated as I was by the real-life extraordinary adventures of Stephens and Catherwood in Central America. They began their explorations together in 1839, discovering for themselves mysteries of the Maya civilization. The book is rich with Catherwood’s drawings and Carlsen’s photographs, enhancing the perfectly paced text. I read past my bedtime!

Carlsen’s skill as a writer turns this rigorously researched historical narrative into a highly readable page turner which manages to be as much adventure story as it is historic document. At the time that Stephens and Catherwood went to explore the rumored ruins of an ancient civilization in the jungles of Central America, it was speculated that the they were either the work Egyptians travelers or the Lost Tribes of Israel, as naturally it was assumed that no non-Western non-white peoples would have been capable of creating the sophisticated works of art, pyramids, and castles that the two found. But they proved beyond a doubt that the impressive ruins that they found were indeed the work of an ancient indigenous population which had mysteriously disappeared without a trace around 1200, long before the Spaniards first arrived in the Americas.

As a young adult (which seems like a hundred years ago) I was totally captivated by the unearthing of the Mayan ruins of Central America and Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula...a lost world...an ancient civilization! Wow! Who were these people? What was their culture? What happened to them? Incredible!William Carlsen has set forth an absorbing narrative of John Stephens’ and Fredrick Catherwood’s exploration in this part of the world from 1839-1842. They discovered and rediscovered massive stone temples, statues, hieroglyphics and so much more...entire cities from centuries long gone growing beneath the impenetrable, muddled jungle vegetation.Battling jungle fevers, relentless insects, the heat, humidity and torrential rains while slashing their way through the unforgiving growth, Carlsen portrays the hardships and sacrifices of these two stunningly well.Stephens’ and Catherwood’s ventures in Central America continued on as they pioneered the railroad through Panama to connect the Atlantic to the Pacific...this section was also well represented.My only misgivings were the tonnage of verbiage on the biographical background of these two extraordinary explorers and the endless rhetoric of the political violence in the region. This could have and should have been condensed.

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen PDF
Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen EPub
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Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen iBooks
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Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen Kindle

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen PDF

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen PDF

Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen PDF
Jungle of Stone: The Extraordinary Journey of John L. Stephens and Frederick Catherwood, and the Discovery of the Lost Civilization of the Maya, by William Carlsen PDF

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012

PDF-Bücher Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

PDF-Bücher Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

Wenn Sie Verbündeten eine solche bezeichnet erfordern Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together And Others Don't, By Simon Sinek Buch , das Sie Wert liefert, erhalten die besten Verkäufer von uns jetzt von vielen beliebten Verlage. Wenn Sie auf unterhaltsame Bücher, viele Romane, Geschichte, Witze und mehr Fiktionen Sammlungen werden zusätzlich ins Leben gerufen, von der besten Verkäufer zu einem der aktuellsten freigegeben beabsichtigen. Sie können nicht Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together And Others Don't, By Simon Sinek in allen Buchsammlungen zu erfreuen verwechselt werden , dass wir sicherlich bieten. Es wird nicht in Bezug auf die Kosten. Es geht darum , genau das, was Sie jetzt benötigen. Diese Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together And Others Don't, By Simon Sinek, als einer der besten Anbieter hier sicherlich zu den besten Auswahlen zu lesen.

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

PDF-Bücher Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

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Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Simon Sinek is an optimist, teacher, writer, and worldwide public speaker. His first four books --Start With Why, Leaders Eat Last, Together is Better, and Find Your Why -- have been national and international bestsellers. His first TED talk, based on Start With Why, is the third most-viewed TED video of all time. Learn more about his work and how you can inspire those around you at StartWithWhy.com.

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Chapter 1 Protection from Above A thick layer of clouds blocked out any light. There were no stars and there was no moon. Just black. The team slowly made its way through the valley, the rocky terrain making it impossible to go any faster than a snail's pace. Worse, they knew they were being watched. Every one of them was on edge. A year hadn't yet passed since the attacks of September 11. The Taliban government had only recently fallen after taking a pounding from U.S. forces for their refusal to turn over the Al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden. There were a lot of Special Operations Forces in the area performing missions that, to this day, are still classified. This was one of those teams and this was one of those missions. All we know is that the team of twenty-two men was operating deep inside enemy territory and had recently captured what the government calls a "high-value target." They were now working their way through a deep valley in a mountainous part of Afghanistan, escorting their high-value target to a safe house. Flying over the thick clouds that night was Captain Mike Drowley, or Johnny Bravo, as he is known by his call sign or nickname. Except for the whir of his engines, it was perfectly peaceful up there. Thousands of stars speckled the sky, and the moon lit up the top of the clouds so brightly it looked like a fresh layer of snow had fallen. It was beautiful. Johnny Bravo and his wingman were circling above in their A-10 aircraft, waiting should they be needed below. Affectionately known as the Warthog, the A-10 is not technically a fighter jet; it's an attack aircraft. A relatively slow-flying, single-seat armored plane designed to provide close air support for troops on the ground. Unlike other fighter jets, it is not fast or sexy (hence the nickname), but it gets the job done. Ideally, both the A-10 pilots in the air and the troops on the ground would prefer to see each other with their eyes. Seeing the plane above, knowing someone is looking out for them, gives the troops below a greater sense of confidence. And seeing the troops below gives the pilots a greater sense of assurance that they will be able to help if needed. But given the thick cloud cover and the mountainous terrain that night in Afghanistan, the only way either knew the other was there was through the occasional radio contact they kept. Without a line of sight, Johnny Bravo couldn't see what the troops saw, but he could sense how the troops felt from what he heard over the radio. And this was enough to spur him to act. Following his gut, Johnny Bravo decided he needed to execute a weather letdown, to drop down below the clouds so he could take a look at what was happening on the ground. It was a daring move. With the thick, low-hanging clouds, scattered storms in the area and the fact that Johnny Bravo would have to fly into a valley with his field of vision reduced by the night-vision goggles, performing the weather letdown under these conditions was extremely treacherous for even the most experienced of pilots. Johnny Bravo was not told to perform the risky maneuver. If anything, he probably would have been told to hang tight and wait until he got the call to help. But Johnny Bravo is not like most pilots. Even though he was thousands of feet above in the safe cocoon of his cockpit, he could sense the anxiety of the men below. Regardless of the dangers, he knew that performing the weather letdown was the right thing to do. And for Johnny Bravo, that meant there was no other choice. Then, just as he was preparing to head down through the clouds into the valley, his instincts were confirmed. Three words came across the radio. Three little words that can send shivers down a pilot's neck: "Troops in contact." "Troops in contact" means someone on the ground is in trouble. It is the call that ground forces use to let others know they are under attack. Though Johnny Bravo had heard those words many times before during training, it was on this night, August 16, 2002, that he heard the words "troops in contact" for the first time in a combat situation. Johnny Bravo had developed a way to help him relate to the men on the ground. To feel what they feel. During every training exercise, while flying above the battlefield, he would always replay in his mind the scene from the movie Saving Private Ryan when the Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy. He would picture the ramp of a Higgins boat dropping down, the men running onto the beach into a wall of German gunfire. The bullets whizzing past them. The pings of stray shots hitting the steel hulls of the boats. The cries of men hit. Johnny Bravo had trained himself to imagine that that was the scene playing out below every time he heard "Troops in contact." With those images vividly embossed in his mind, Johnny Bravo reacted to the call for assistance. He told his wingman to hang tight above the clouds, announced his intentions to the flight controllers and the troops below and pointed his aircraft down into the darkness. As he passed through the clouds, the turbulence thrashed him and his aircraft about. A hard push to the left. A sudden drop. A jolt to the right. Unlike the commercial jets in which we fly, the A-10 is not designed for passenger comfort, and his plane bounced and shook hard as he passed through the layer of cloud. Flying into the unknown with no idea what to expect, Johnny Bravo focused his attention on his instruments, trying to take in as much information as he could. His eyes moved from one dial to the next followed by a quick glance out the front window. Altitude, speed, heading, window. Altitude, speed, heading, window. "Please. Let. This. Work. Please. Let. This. Work," he said to himself under his breath. When he finally broke through the clouds, he was less than a thousand feet off the ground, flying in a valley. The sight that greeted him was nothing like he had ever seen before, not in training or in the movies. There was enemy fire coming from both sides of the valley. Massive amounts of it. There was so much that the tracer fire-the streaks of light that follow the bullets-lit up the whole area. Bullets and rockets all aimed at the middle, all aimed squarely at the Special Operations Forces pinned down below. In 2002 the avionics in the aircraft were not as sophisticated as they are today. The instruments Johnny Bravo had couldn't prevent him from hitting the mountain walls. Worse, he was flying with old Soviet maps left over from the invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s. But there was no way he was going to let down those troops. "There are fates worse than death," he will tell you. "One fate worse than death is accidentally killing your own men. Another fate worse than death is going home alive when twenty-two others don't." And so, on that dark night in August, Johnny Bravo started counting. He knew his speed and he knew his distance from the mountains. He did some quick calculations in his head and counted out loud the seconds he had before he would hit the valley walls. "One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand . . ." He locked his guns onto a position from which he could see a lot of enemy fire originating and held down the trigger of his Gatling gun. "Four one thousand, five one thousand, six one thousand . . ." At the...


Taschenbuch: 368 Seiten

Verlag: Portfolio; Auflage: Reprint, Revised (23. Mai 2017)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1591848016

ISBN-13: 978-1591848011

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

13,6 x 2,5 x 20,3 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.2 von 5 Sternen

24 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 221 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Das schafft der Autor Sinek durch eine Mischung aus empirischen Belegen, Evolutionstheorien und gesundem Menschenverstand! Egal ob Arbeitnehmer, Arbeitgeber oder Interessenten der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie - das Buch regt zum Nachdenken an!Die Ausarbeitung, das Inhaltsverzeichnis und der abwechselnde Schreibstil in Metaphern und Storytelling macht das Werk dabei absolut kurzweilig und sorg dafür, dass man es am liebsten auf einem Schlag durchlesen würde!

I've seen Simon Sinek on stage (well on YouTube really) several times and always found him inspiring. The book is pretty similar to his stage appearances, he makes many valid points. Sadly lots of the stories he tells in this book are identical to those he uses in his speeches, so technically you won't miss that much if you only do one or the other (as in "read the book or listen to his speeches"). This is also the reason why I think he could have said everything he wants to say and make his point halfway through the book.That being said, it is definitely a great book to read and give to others (read: your failure of a boss at your last job for example). He does make a lot of valid points after all and lots of people would benefit from this.

Ich habe bereits das erste Buch von Simon Sinek "Start with why" gelesen und fand schon damals seine "Thesen" interessant. Auch sein neues Buch hat mich nicht enttäuscht. Auch wenn einiges von dem Stoff vielleicht schon in anderen Büchern stehen mag, hat mir dieses Buch einige Dinge klar(er) gemacht. Ich mag seinen lockeren, teils humorvollen Schreibstil und die Kapitel sind relativ kurz gehalten. Man kann sich das Buch also gut einteilen.Tipp: Wem eine Kurzfassung von dem Buch reicht, der kann sich das ca. zehnminütige Video "Why leaders eat last" auf Vimeo oder Youtube ansehen. Dort spricht Simon Sinek viele der im Buch genannten Punkte an.

Wer "Start with Why" mochte, wird es lieben.Das Buch bringt vieles auf den Punkt, was sozialkompetente Führungskräfte irgendwie ahnen.Ich habe das Gefühl, hier wird Personalführung vom Kopf auf die Füße gestellt.

Muss man auf alle Fälle lesen! Hat mir in gewissen Dingen die Augen geöffnet - kann es jedem ans Herz legen!

In diesem Buch erklärt Simon Sinek sehr anschaulich, was Führungskräfte ausmacht. Von diesem Buch inspiriert geht die Reise weiter auf dem Weg zum besseren Vorgesetzen und Kollegen. Wenn auch teilweise sehr militärisch geprägt sind seine Geschichten hilfreich, die Botschaft zu transportieren. Eine echte Bereicherung und ein Hörgenuss zugleich.

Ein sehr interessantes Buch. Die darin vertretene Hypothese kann ich durch meine bisherigen Erfahrungen nur bestätigen. Pflichtlektüre für alle, die einen Unterschied machen wollen.

A bit repetitive but interesting insights how to form teams and organizations and make them work. It also gives excellent insights into what good and beneficial hierarchies should look like. Worth a read for those that like to condemn every hierarchy and want to make everyone equal.

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Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek PDF

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek PDF

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek PDF
Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't, by Simon Sinek PDF